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SURVEY for New Box Products Safe T Hold Furniture Anchor

The Safe T Hold Furniture Anchor from New Box Products is a new and totally unique patented solution to a very serious problem in the home and office today.  In the past, furniture was manufactured with very heavy materials, attention was paid to base weight and tip and fall problems were at a minimum.  This problem was epically minimized in this days for very young children, due to their extremely light weight.

Today, many manufacturers make furniture our of light cheap materials, either to lower costs to compete in discount stores or to lower shipping costs from aboard.  Even local shipping is a concern with the rising costs of fuel over the past decade.  All these issues caused a perfect storm which created very dangerous lightweight furniture, prone to tip and fall.  Over the past few years there have been many reports of heartbreaking death and injury due unfortunate tip and fall of unsteady furniture cabinets, book cases, chests of drawers and entertainment centers.

Most of these in incidents have involved young children innocently climbing on the drawers, or trying to reach something out of reach.  This tragedy can be stopped with the New Box Products Safe T Hold Furniture Anchor.  Different from other devices claiming to performe the same task by the way it securely anchors the furniture to the wall while allowing the furniture to be removed and later replaced for easy access behind the furniture.

If you have already purchased on of these Safe T Hold devices from New Box Products, please fill out the following survey to aid us in our continued quest to protect and save children form needless home and office accidents:



furniture falling on kids by not being anchored with a New Box Furniture Anchor


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